Register for a Class
Our online classes are open to students from any school. Classes have Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced tracks for students K-8 unless otherwise noted.
Our enthusiastic instructors guide your students on their coding adventures from the comfort of your own home. Unlike other online courses that rely on videos and self-guided tutorials, the core of our program is working with a live instructor. All you need is a computer with internet access.
Our in-person classes are based in schools in New York and California. Please select your school below or go to your school's specific registration platform.
If you have any questions, email info@codespeaklabs.com.
(Note: We're an approved vendor with Charter Schools Pacific Coast Academy, Mission Vista Academy Cabrillo Point Academy, and Sage Oak Charter Schools. If you'd like us to become a provider at your charter school, please contact us.)
Summer Classes
Saddleback Community College
Session 1 | June 17 - June 27 (no programs on 7/19)
Computer Coding for Beginners
- Design your own video games! Beginner students will first be guided through programming the basic game dynamics and then will be taught the skills to creatively customize their projects in Scratch, MIT's coding platform for kids.
- Cost: $235
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18517&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Super Mario in Scratch
- Students who are fans of the Super Mario video games will go beyond playing the games and learn to code it. Every day students will explore and program a new world, from Bowser's castle to Rainbow Road to Pipe Land with their favorite characters and power-ups!
- Cost: $235
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 10:45 - 12:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18518&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Pokémon in Scratch
- Students will bring their own Pokemon to life via code. Projects include training a Pokemon using code, animating an evolving Pokemon, and competing in quiz and puzzle games designed for Pokemon trainers.
- Cost: $235
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18519&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Arcade Games: JavaScript
- Students will learn to create a variety of mini games based on modern and classic arcade games using JavaScript code. This session students will learn about the coordinate system to program a digital foosball game, use loops to code a side scroller, and save the world from Space Invaders.
- Cost: $235
- Ages: 9-14
- Time: 2:45 - 4:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18520&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Session 2 | July 8 - July 18
App Design and User Interface for Kids
- Students will learn about User Interface (UI) in App Design, an increasingly integral part of app development in today's tech world. During this course, students will design their own apps and code each interactive UI element.
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18521&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Retro Games in Scratch
- Students will explore retro video games and learn how to code their own mini versions. We will be learning about how sprites interact with each other using conditional logic, how to use loops to automate game mechanics, and use variables to store game information.
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 10:45 - 12:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18522&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Disney
- Students will code their own Disney themed projects. Students will explore and code with characters from Toy Story to Finding Nemo, with their favorite scenes and magical powers. They'll learn the basics of animation skills that the Disney team uses to create their favorite movies!
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18523&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding for Movies: JavaScript
- Students will program some of their favorite animated characters to code games inspired by their movies. Projects include programming a racing game inspired by Cars, a memory game based on Star Wars, and more!
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 9-14
- Time: 2:45 - 4:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18524&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Session 3 | July 22 - August 1
Animation and Digital Design for Beginners
- This is an introductory course that immerses students in the colorful world of digital art and programming. Students will engage in hands-on projects like creating a programmed animated flower using hex color codes, designing their own animated GIFs, and learning frame-by-frame animation.
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18525&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Minecraft in Scratch
- Students will bring their own mini Minecraft games to life via code. Projects include creating Minecraft sprites with pixel art and using them to program custom games! (No need for a Minecraft account or experience; programs will be built in Scratch using Minecraft's style.)
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 10:45 - 12:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18526&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding Pokémon in Scratch: Kanto Region
- Through Pokémon-themed projects like "Disco Caterpie," "Snorlax loves Berries," "Travel with Mew," students will master computer programming concepts with their favorite Kanto Region Pokemon. They'll learn to upload and animate from a Pokedex and tailor their creations with transition effects, scoring systems, and more.
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 7-12
- Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18527&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
Coding in Python for Beginners
- Students will learn the syntax and logic of computer code in Python by creating custom apps and games. This session students will create interactive chatbots, code a password generator, and create digital art using arrays, conditionals, and loops.
- Cost: $268
- Ages: 9-14
- Time: 2:45 - 4:15 PM
- Registration link - https://saddleback.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=18528&int_category_id=41&int_sub_category_id=348&int_catalog_id=0
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