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Seal's Eco Escape: Build a Scratch Project to Help Save the Biomes

Educators & parents: You can do this Hour of Code Activity as a class or students can work on it independently. If you have any questions or need help, email

 Special thanks to Andres, the creator of this project and tutorial. Andres was an inaugural member of the Abretech program for multilingual high school students.

Hi, I’m Andres. I’m a High School senior, at the AbreTech program. I’m excited to teach you how to build your own Seal's Eco Escape, a Scratch Project to Help Save the Biomes.

Welcome to this Scratch tutorial where you will learn how to create an exciting and educational escape room game about a seal on a mission to save the environment. In this game, your seal will embark on a journey to save various biomes, including the forest and arctic tundra. Through the game, the player will learn about the importance of conservation and how they can help protect the environment. Once you’ve completed the project, you can help the seal save other biomes like the desert and the ocean!

Using the programming language Scratch, you will be able to create interactive elements such as puzzles, clues, and hidden objects to challenge players and guide them through the game. You will also learn how to use Scratch to create animations to enhance the gaming experience.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional escape room game that you can share with your friends and family.

So let's dive in and help our seal friend save the environment one biome at a time!

Watch the videos below to get started, and follow along with me to build your own Seal's Eco Escape

Part 1: Build the biomes

A biome is a large geographical region characterized by its distinctive climate, flora, and fauna.

  • Forest: A forest is a large area dominated by trees and undergrowth, and is home to a variety of flora and fauna. Most popular animals: Grizzly bear, Red-eyed tree frog and Gray wolf
  • Arctic tundra: Arctic tundra is a vast, treeless biome characterized by its extremely cold temperatures, permafrost, and low-growing vegetation that is home to unique wildlife such as polar bears, Arctic foxes and Seal!
  • Ocean: The ocean is a vast body of saltwater covering more than 70% of the Earth's surface, and is home to a diverse range of marine life. Animals include: Blue whale, Great white shark and Clownfish.
  • Desert: A desert is a barren area with little precipitation, sparse vegetation, and extreme temperatures that fluctuate between day and night. Most popular animals: Camel, Rattlesnake and Fennec fox.

Part 2: Code the Game

Are you ready for some coding fun, super coders? In part 2 of our Seal's Eco Escape coding adventure, we're going to learn how to make our game even cooler! We'll discover how to make our seal speak to the player, change the background scenery, and add awesome sound effects that will make you want to dance along! Get ready to take your coding skills to the next level and the biomes back to normality!

Congratulations on successfully completing Seal's Eco Escape game and helping to save the biomes! 

By creating this fun and educational game, you have learned about the importance of conservation and how small actions can make a big impact in protecting our environment.

As a bonus challenge, you can take your game to the next level by suggesting new ways for the player to make the environment better that they can do in real life.

Do you want to know what the biomes look like in real life? Watch the National Geographic videos below:


Want to go beyond Hour of Code? Click here to learn to build a Pokemon Evolutions game.

If you had fun, check out our YouTube channel for more free coding projects like these! Go to